These websites are not always correct, but you should check with a couple of them before proceeding to mark down information about a person. If you have a username you can use some websites that I will provide to see other accounts and profiles connected to those usernames. Usernames are extremely difficult to make connections with. If you don't have an email, you should have a basic goal to get one, or at least a name.but for the sake of this tutorial, I will break up each step for a different scenario.

An email is connected to social media (names) work (phone numbers) and accounts (information about the person). You must be prepared to only have the resources of a name, email, username, or even phone number to find out all of the other information about a person. The thing about doxing that makes it a skill is that you must be prepared for many different situations, as no two people will have their social profile setup in the same exact way. The tutorial I will provide to you now will teach you the basics of doxing and how you can protect yourself against malicious people on the internet.

Doxing can be useful for finding the address of a coworker, or simply investigating people on the internet.

You may have seen doxing in the news, for instance when not so long ago, hacker team Anonymous doxed and reported thousands of twitter accounts related to ISIS. Doxing is the act of finding one's personal information through research and discovery, with little to no information to start with.