Click the Done button to complete the export process.If you are using email for work, you are most likely using an Exchange or IMAP account. Step 4: Type a name that is suitable for the backup file in the Save As: box, and select a location where you can easily find your exported file. Step 3: Select the option "No, do not delete items" Step 1a: Outlook 2011 - On the File menu, click Export.

Step 4: Click the folder that contains the messages you want to back up. Step 3: In the list, click Personal Folder File (.pst), and then click Next. Step 2: Click Export to a file, and then click Next. Step 1b: Outlook 2007 - On the File menu, click Import and Export. Step 1a: Outlook 2010 - Click the File Tab, click Open, click Import. You can also use the instructions here: Export to a. The instructions for Outlook 2010 will also work with Outlook 2013. The link below offers information from Microsoft on backing up your personal folders from Outlook 2002 - 20. Backup Messages to a Personal Folder (.PST) in Outlook Office 2002 - 2013 for Windows