I also recommend the optional modules including Cheats, Integration, and Progression.

Also allows you to select any Sim in the world. Master Controller – Adds options that allow you to control and change just about anything in your Sims 3 world.I also recommend downloading the optional modules for this mod especially Career, Extra, Money, Others, Population, Relationship, and Skill. Story Progression – Replaces EA’s Story Progression with a MUCH better system.These mods are essential, and I could not play without them. I typically play each game in cycles, so this list will be updated when I’m in a Sims 3 cycle. I update this page as I add mods to my game or remove the ones I no longer use. Just like my Sims 2 mods list and S ims 4 mods list, this list is a constant work in progress. These are all the mods I use in my game, organized by category. Here is my recommended mods list for The Sims 3.

When they grow up they are all a skintone that they should be IE dark for dark parents and mixed for mixed parents.Little Mortimer scours the web for all the best Sims 3 Mods.

Also its affecting my sims whatever skintone they are, I thought at first it was only happening to my mixed babies (1 parent light, 1 parent dark) but then I had 2 dark parents have a mixed skintone baby changing to pale as well when removed from the bassinet. This is only happening with the babies born with the medium skintone they are being changed to the pale skintone when picked up for any interaction. Then I removed my entire sims 4 folder and played through 6 sim days for 2 pregnancies and the same thing happened so I don't believe this is related to mods. I did have custom skins for babies installed so I removed those mods and tested and it still happened.

For the boys there clothes are changing but not their skin color. So far this is only happening to my girls. My baby's skin color is changing as they are being removed from the bassinet. I checked the list of reported issues and don't see this but it's possible I overlooked it.