Occasionally boosts the Embarrassed emotion, and causes stress around new people and when doing public performances. If you strike while the iron is hot, they can earn powerful boosts to Mental skills. If you take too much time and they forget their idea, expect frustration and stress! Eggheaded Sims also enjoy a small bonus to the Debate skill. Once they’ve organized their mind, they have powerful boosts to Creative skills.Įxtreme version of Genius, very Focused but have a one-track mind. Occasionally boosts the Scared emotion. These Sims are afraid of all sorts of things, like Occult Sims, mountain climbing, and even the dark!Įxtreme version of Creative, these Sims get very Inspired but may have trouble concentrating. Occasionally boosts the Fine emotion, removing much of the risk and reward of changing emotions.

These Sims also get a small bonus for the Debate skill, and for the Business, Politics, and Criminal careers. All of them are available for children and older, and add boosts to Character Values from Parenthood.Įxtreme version of Self-Assured, very Confident but may rub other Sims the wrong way. This trait pack adds a set of nine new emotional traits which fill out the roster with traits associated with moods like Embarrassed and extreme versions of the old traits with some drawbacks.

All traits are now recognized by the new social compatibility system.